Posted by Redbourn Business Systems on Wednesday, October 13, 2021 Under: Password Security
Anyone using a computer or high-tech device, such as a smartphone or tablet, is at risk of unauthorised access. The repercussions can include the loss of valuable data such as emails, photos and personal information. Targets could also have their bank account details, money, or even their identity stolen.
A strong password provides vital protection from monetary fraud and identity theft.
Guessing a password is a hacker’s most frequently used method to break into your computers account. Hence, simple and regularly used passwords make it possible for hackers to effortlessly obtain access and control of any computing device. Sharing the same simple password across many accounts could allow them access to all of your personal and organisation data.
Having a complex password, makes it exceedingly challenging for hackers to break into a computer and will force them to give up and move on to another target. The more complex the password, the less likely a computer will be hacked.
Follow these recommended steps for better password protection:
- A longer password is better than a more random password. 12-15 characters makes it much harder for a hacker to crack.
- A password made up of a random phrase, or combination of words, will help you to remember the longer password without writing it down.
- When it comes to setting up a new, or changing a password, many password input fields now require you to use a combination of upper case and lower case letters, numbers and symbols. Put your digits, symbols, and capital letters spread throughout your password, not just at the beginning or end. Perhaps replacing I with “1” or E with “3”, etc.
- Users should never write down their passwords, as that makes it easier for the passwords to be stolen and used by someone else.
- Never use the same password for more than one account. It makes it far too easy for a hacker to attack one site and get your password to all the others.
- Don’t change passwords too regularly. Password policies are better off requiring longer password minimum lengths and letting users keep them for longer. This encourages users to have stronger passwords and avoids simple schemes like incrementing a number at the end of the password each time they have to reset it.
- Where possible, set up two-factor authentication. This a process that gives web services secondary access to the account owner in order to verify a login attempt.
- Use a password manager. A good password manager creates strong, unique passwords for all of your accounts. Remember to keep the password manager password especially secure, but don’t forget it as without this you may be frozen out of all your accounts.
- Keep an eye out for suspicious logins or other unexpected activity. If you see it, change the password for that account.
- Make sure that your contact details are up to date on accounts, so if you have to reset a forgotten password you can still be reached by the supplier.
- Never, ever, use passwords like “password” or “1234” or “LetMeIn”.
Lastly, for our AdvantageNFP Fundraiser Public Cloud customers, we recommend a regular review of your account passwords. Especially for admin accounts. We periodically review these settings for you and will advise you if we feel your security could be improved. To assist further, optional password policy enhancements will follow in the next release of AdvantageNFP Fundraiser, version 1.34. Watch this space!
In : Password Security
Tags: #databasesecurity #passwordsecurity
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