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Social Networking Trends for 2014

Posted by Redbourn Business Systems on Wednesday, February 26, 2014 Under: Social Media & Fundraising

1. Fading Facebook
As parents and grandparents set up Facebook profiles, it is no longer seen as 'cool' for young people and they move away to other social media platforms. The likes of SnapChat and WhatApp photo messaging applications, with temporary content, are seeing continued growth.

2. The Rise of Social Advertising
Social advertising is seriously taking off as they are proving to be much more effective than some traditional forms of digital advertising such as banner ads. Promoted tweets show 15 times better engagement over banner ads.

3. Growth of Video Marketing
Video has the ability to convey a message that is 10 times more powerful than written text. With apps like Instagram, SnapChat and Vine, videos are being created, shared and viewed on mobile devices.

For more information on how to integrate AdvantageNFP with social media, please email marketing.

In : Social Media & Fundraising 

Tags: "facebook" "social media" "snapchat" "whatapp" "social advertising" "video marketing" "instagram" "vine" "advantagenfp" 
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