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The AAA National Conference 2013

Posted by Redbourn Business Systems on Tuesday, November 26, 2013 Under: CRM

The Advantage
NFP team powered by Redbourn Business Systems recently sponsored and exhibited at the Air Ambulance Association’s National Conference in London.

Approximately 200 delegates from the air ambulance community attended the conference to engage and network, sharing ideas and building partnerships. The day followed a comprehensive agenda covering charity, clinical and operational topics.

The AdvantageNFP team had a great day meeting some of our existing customers using AdvantageNFP Fundraiser CRM database and engaging with a number of other Air Ambulance fundraising teams to discuss their fundraising CRM database requirements.

Steve Cast, Managing Director of Redbourn Business Systems gave a presentation on ‘Factually Researched Wealth Intelligence for Dummies’ which was well received and generated great interest. The presentation covered the benefits of Wealth Screening and identifying the “hidden gems” in your fundraising CRM database.  These are donors who can make a one off gift, or who can influence a single gift, of at least £5,000.  We commonly refer to these individuals as ‘Liquid Asset Millionaires’.  

The evening was host to the first ever National Air Ambulance Awards of Excellence, which saw some of our customers with coveted awards. The AdvantageNFP team would like to congratulate London’s Air Ambulance who scooped four awards including Pilot of the Year, Doctor of the Year, Paramedic of the Year and Dr Gareth Davies with his ‘Lifetime Achievement Award; Devon Air Ambulance who took the Campaign of the Year award and Dorset & Somerset Air Ambulance who’s aircrew were presented with the Special Incident award.

Bill Sivewright, Chairman of the Association of Air Ambulances commented, “Celebration of success, innovation and commitment of staff and volunteers is a central strategy of the Association and these Awards are a clear demonstration of the strategy in action.  It is intended that they will encourage competition and best practice across all disciplines of pre-hospital care and deliver real improvements in patient outcomes.  So, every winner should be immensely proud of their success this year as trailblazer.”

If you would like more information on the AdvantageNFP Fundraiser CRM database or would like to receive a copy of the Wealth Intelligence presentation, please contact [email protected]

In : CRM 

Tags: "aaa conference" "air ambulance" "conference" "fundraising crm" "fundraising database" 
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