Lepra, formerly BELRA (British Empire Leprosy Relief Association) was launched in 1924. Lepra are a UK-based international charity working to beat leprosy. This disease affects the most vulnerable people in the world, causing life-changing disabilities, but there is a cure.


Lepra works directly with communities in Bangladesh, India and Mozambique to locate, diagnose and rehabilitate people affected by leprosy. By creating awareness, urging for early detection and diminishing stigma, Lepra support people so they can transform their lives.

Lepra’s previous fundraising database was no longer being supported or in development. With the introduction of GDPR regulations, Lepra decided it was time to go out to tender to procure new charity fundraising software solution that was fully supported, and had a road map for development going forward.

Lepra selected AdvantageNFP Fundraiser as it was an established charity fundraising software solution, that had been developed to be GDPR compliant.

Lepra arrange lots of charity fundraising activities and events, many of which are in schools. AdvantageNFP CRM allows Lepra to manage these activities, improve communications to supporters, integrate newsletters and manage connectivity.

Lepra are using the public cloud version of AdvantageNFP Fundraiser so all UK offices are now able to access the fundraising database and enter details directly, improving efficiency.

Steve Cast, Managing Director of Redbourn says, “We are delighted that Lepra selected AdvantageNFP Fundraiser as their preferred Charity Fundraising Software solution. We were able to meet their current requirements and support them going forward with a fully comprehensive fundraising system. Redbourn are looking forward to working with Lepra.”

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