AdvantageNFP Webinar Recordings


Unlock the full potential of your fundraising and CRM efforts with our exclusive webinar, "Mastering Legacy Functionality in AdvantageNFP Fundraiser and CRM." Watch as we guide you through the updated Legacy features, providing essential insights and hands-on demonstrations to empower your organisation's legacy communication management.

In this webinar, our expert presenters showcase advanced techniques to seamlessly integrate and utilise the enhanced Legacy functionality within AdvantageNFP Fundraiser and AdvantageNFP CRM. Discover how to effectively segregate Legacy communications, ensuring they are only visible within the dedicated module, optimising your workflow and enhancing data organisation.

Key Highlights:

1. Improved Legacy Screen: Uncover the revamped Legacy screen, designed for a more intuitive and user-friendly experience. Learn how to navigate efficiently, saving time and increasing overall productivity.

2. Enhanced Legacy Documents Screen: Dive into the upgraded Legacy Documents screen and explore the enhanced features that streamline document management. Gain practical insights into organizing, accessing, and updating legacy documents effortlessly.

3. Upgraded Legacy Standard Report: Witness the power of the updated Legacy standard report, offering comprehensive insights into your legacy data. Learn to extract meaningful information and generate reports that drive strategic decision-making.

By the end of this webinar, you will have a thorough understanding of the latest advancements in AdvantageNFP Fundraiser and CRM Legacy functionality. Equip yourself with the knowledge and skills needed to optimise legacy communication segregation, efficiently navigate the updated screens, and leverage the full potential of Legacy standard reports.

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